
What do we do in the field of immunology?


Bristol Myers Squibb is a leading biopharmaceutical company developing drugs with a clear vision: Changing patients' lives through science.


Over the past 20 years, BMS has made strides in research into the development and progression of diseases resulting from a dysregulated immune system. In the fight against these mostly chronic inflammatory diseases within rheumatology, gastroenterology, neurology and dermatology, BMS combines experience with innovation.

Dermatology: The impact of psoriasis

The impact of psoriasis on patients' lives is often underestimated, although it certainly varies from one individual to another. Many people feel ashamed of the patches on their skin and, as a result, avoid social activities or struggle to engage in relationships. The itching is unbearable and the flakes are the silent witnesses to this. Oily creams and ointments make wearing thin clothes or enjoying a good night's sleep almost impossible.

Neurology: The impact of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition in which the patient's own immune system attacks myelin around nerves in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in disturbances in the conduction of signals. Eventually, the nerves themselves also become irreparably damaged and scarring (sclerotisation) occurs. This can cause various failure symptoms, such as paralysis and disturbances of sensation. Patients with MS eventually experience increasing physical and cognitive problems.

Gastro-Enterology: The impact of ulcerative colitis

Colitis Ulcerosa (CU) falls under the 'inflammatory bowel diseases' (IBD), just like Crohn's disease. CU involves chronic, regularly recurring inflammation of the colon, with ulcers forming.


About 50,000 people in the Netherlands have CU. The disease is usually detected between 15 and 40 years old and is slightly more common in men than in women. People with CU often have symptoms of diarrhoea with blood and mucus, and abdominal pain. The course of the disease varies from patient to patient. Some people almost never have symptoms, while others experience frequent severe attacks (flare-ups).


The exact cause of CU is unknown, but possibly factors such as heredity, gut flora composition and smoking play a role.