Our integrity

At Bristol Myers Squibb, our values and principles guide every decision we make and commit us to the highest standard of moral and ethical behavior. We promise to act on our belief that the priceless ingredient of every product we make is the integrity of its maker.
Principles of Integrity
BMS Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics provides a summary of the important policies and procedures in conducting the company's business in a legal, ethical, and responsible manner.
The Principles of Integrity provide specific guidance to company employees to assist with compliance to these policies and procedures. Good corporate governance is essential to the integrity of the company and helps ensure that Bristol Myers Squibb meets the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior in all of its business activities.
Third Parties
We recognize that Third Parties have an important role in our success. We strive to conduct business only with Third Parties who share our commitment to the Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics for Third Parties. We encourage Third Parties to adopt and apply our standards, and to have processes and/or systems in place to support operating in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and industry codes. Specific requirements for adherence to the Third Parties Standards are included in contracts with third parties.
Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics for Third Parties
The Bristol Myers Squibb Integrity Line is a telephone and web-based confidential reporting system hosted by Navex Global and used to report non-compliance by telephone or online.