Here Mily shares her thoughts on joining the company as the world weathers the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, what she enjoys most about her profession, and valuable life lessons she’s learned on navigating through turbulent times.
Q: Tell us about yourself and your family.
EM: I spent most of my childhood growing up in Columbus, Ohio, and went to college at Ohio State, so I’m a big Buckeye fan, and I enjoy sports generally. I was a rower in college and was varsity captain my senior year. As a family, my husband and I, along with our son, do a lot of recreation that involves physical fitness, like bike riding, tennis or just playing catch at the park. I actively keep up on how Ohio State is doing, particularly OSU football and the women’s rowing program, which I’m very involved with as an alumna.
Q: What has it been like to join the company at this time, while we’re in the midst of an integration and so many colleagues are working remotely?
EM: I am incredibly proud to join the company at this critical point in its history. As a banker, I worked with BMS and Celgene and admired both companies, as different and distinct as they were. I believe very strongly in the underlying rationale that brought them together, and I am thrilled to be part of the ongoing growth and mission of the new company to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases.
I am even prouder at seeing such a high level of resilience throughout the company over the past few weeks as we all deal with the impact of COVID-19. Employees are acting with great urgency in their roles while working remotely, enabling us as a company to stay focused on patients.
I am also amazed at the philanthropic leadership role our company has taken– this includes support for our patients who have been directly impacted financially by COVID-19 and donations to charitable organizations around the world. Further, I am very impressed by the thoughtful way in which we are planning to bring people more broadly back to our sites and the field.
Q: What do you enjoy most about what you do?
EM: What really attracted me to the field of healthcare, and especially to the pharmaceutical industry, is the promise of delivering new and improved treatments to patients. I’ve worked in healthcare for 27 years, and it has always held an element of excitement for me because of the innovations that can make such a difference in people’s lives. This is not just a business, it’s something that impacts everyone around the world. And when you work in business development, you are really in the heart of the innovative ecosystem.
Another thing I love is the diversity of people, companies, deals, topics and challenges that can come at you on any given day in healthcare and business development. I find these aspects very rich and rewarding, and never boring.