Cancer in Central and Eastern Europe

While cancer is the second-most common cause of death across Europe, mortality rates for most cancers are highest in Central and Eastern European countries. Low awareness of cancer risk factors, a lack of adequate cancer prevention and screening efforts, and limited health care resources in the region contribute to this gap. The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation funds initiatives to address these issues. ​

Success Stories

Building Palliative Cancer Care Nursing Capabilities

To help reduce the disparities and promote health equity within CEE for populations disproportionately affected by cancer, the BMS Foundation established three nursing practice Centers of Excellence in Cancer Care.

Our Grantees

Cancer Care in Central and Eastern Europe


Hospice Casa Sperantei

Will continue to develop a Nursing Practice Center of Excellence (COE) in Palliative Care for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).  By increasing access to palliative care training for nurses in Romania and CEE, the COE will help to support early integration of palliative care in cancer centers across the region. (Read More)

Hospices of Hope

Hospices of Hope will receive $271,680 over two years to support the development of a palliative care network that can be applied at a national level in vulnerable countries which are not part of the European Union, piloting in The Republic of Moldova. (Read More)

International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC)

The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) will engage nurses in promoting and supporting tobacco cessation by establishing the Eastern Europe Nurses’ Centre of Excellence for Tobacco Control as a regional leader based in the Czech Republic and providing training to nurses in five countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Republic of Moldova. A key focus of the continued funding will be to identify and support nurses to take on leadership roles in advancing tobacco control in the region to ultimately benefit patients and their families. (Read More)