Siso Foundation & Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation

Siso Foundation

Siso Foundation was granted $144,833 over a period of 18 months to design and implement the institutional, operational and procedural facilitation of the capacity-building activities required to meet the needs of the BMSF-TAP funded projects and programmes.


Civil society in South Africa played a critical role in the transition from apartheid to a multiparty and multiracial democracy. The liberation struggle was made up of an estimated 60,000 community-based groups, many of which were eventually supported by international donors. These grass roots Grantees fought for democracy and equal opportunities and against racial oppression, inequality, and dispossession.


The specific objectives of this project are:

  • To support strategic and effective BMSF-TAP responses through the provision of timely, high quality short and longer term technical support to Grantees
  • To assist in the review of the work undertaken by regional TAP members to provide relevant and high quality technical support in identified technical areas
  • To build the capacity of country Grantees to effectively plan and manage BMSF-TAP funds through organizational development
  • To encourage a harmonized and collaborative approach in the delivery of technical support through knowledge transfer, monitoring and disseminate lessons learned and sharing of tools developed

Siso Foundation hopes to improve capacity by Grantees to account, report, manage and implement the projects and programmes with minimum disruption while reducing incidents of non-compliance with accounting, record-keeping and reporting. There will also be an implementation of a virtual mentoring service for Grantees.