Code of Support Foundation & Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation

Code of Support Foundation

Code of Support Foundation will receive $470,000 to ramp up their cloud-based platform, PATRIOTlinkTM, a strategically populated provider assistance tool that allows easy navigation to find resources that are most appropriate for the needs of the service members, veterans, and their families.


Out of the 22 million veterans in the U.S., an estimated 30% are struggling with mental and behavioral health issues (including substance abuse) and many, including family members, do not qualify for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs. While there are over 40,000 nonprofits and thousands of local and federal government agencies committed to assisting our nation’s heroes, their varying scope and eligibility requirements means that no one agency or nonprofit has the capacity to fulfill the often multiple and complex needs of our service member and their families. 


The funding will allow the PATRIOTlink platform to scale to a level that will make it sustainable past initial funding investment. The PATROTlink 2.0 project will be an extension of the orginially funded platform to add an additional 3,000- 6,000 resources for providers in order to make the product a powerful and sustainable tool. Currently the platform hosts over 2,000 resources that address 19 service need areas.

Project Leader

Kristy Kaufmann,