Corporate giving document requirements
First time organization submitter:
- Articles of incorporation/charter showing non-profit status, business purpose, and scope/activities
- List of board of directors
- Effective business license (which shows business license validity date)
- Most recent financial statement
For all requests, please provide the official chopped documents and editable version (which will only be used for translation purposes):
- For Meeting / Events
- Meeting notice to all companies
- Request letter to BMS (if available)
- List of all available sponsorship options and benefits
- Agendas
- List of locations / meeting dates (for meeting series)
- Detailed budget for full project
- Minimum requirement: detailed budget for BMS requested amount
- Budget must list VAT as separate line item
- Benefits* – indicate any benefits offered in exchange for support and how BMS will be recognized for support, if request is approved
- For other requests
- Meeting notice (to all companies), if applicable
- Request letter to BMS (if available)
- List of all available sponsorship options and benefits, if applicable
- Detailed budget for full project (minimum requirement: detailed budget for BMS requested amount)
- Minimum requirement: detailed budget for BMS requested amount
- Budget must list VAT as separate line item
- Project / Activity detailed proposal (purpose, scope, details of project, etc)
- Project/Activity timeline, if applicable
- Benefits* – indicate any benefits offered in exchange for support and how BMS will be recognized for support, if request is approved
- 显示非营利性质、业务目的和业务范围/活动的组织章程
- 董事会(或组织内部治理层、管理层)成员名单
- 有效的营业执照或登记证书(显示证照有效期)
- 最近的财务报表
- 用于会议 / 活动
- 致所有公司的会议通知
- 致 BMS 的请求函(如适用)
- 所有可用赞助选项和权益的列表
- 议程
- 地点/会议日期列表(适用于系列会议)
- 整个项目的详细预算
- 最低要求:BMS 请求金额的详细预算
- 预算必须将增值税列为单独的项目
- 权益* – 说明在获得支持的情况下提供的任何权益,以及 BMS 将如何获得支持认可(如果请求获得批准)
- 对于其他请求
- 会议通知(致所有公司)(如适用)
- 致BMS的请求函(如适用)
- 所有可用赞助选项和权益的列表(如适用)
- 整个项目的详细预算(最低要求:BMS 请求金额的详细预算)
- 最低要求:BMS 请求金额的详细预算
- 预算必须将增值税列为单独的项目
- 项目 / 活动详细提案(包括项目目的、范围、项目详情等)
- 项目 / 活动时间表(如适用)
- 权益* – 说明在获得支持的情况下提供的任何权益,以及 BMS 将如何获得支持认可(如果请求获得批准)
- Sponsorship Agreement (submit no less than 65 days in advance of event)
- CME Sponsorship Italian agreement
- CME Sponsorship Italian Agreement to contain full sponsorship package details
Patient associations/Healthcare organisations (Associations de patients / Professionnels de santé):
- Signed Status (Statuts signés)
- Publication in the Official Journal (Publication au J.O.)
Other organisations (Autres organisations):
- Copy of the main entry in the trade and companies register (extrait K-Bis)
- KRPIA announcement (for designated beneficiary by KRPIA)
- FRM 02 Review and Approval Form
- Medical Reviewer Checklist for Grant
Charitable giving
- Charitable request summary including the written request letter
Domestic academic conferences
- Agenda
Domestically-held international academic conferences
- Agenda
- Official document certified by Korean Medical Association or Korean Academy of Medical Sciences