Global Inclusion & Diversity stories
Holding colleagues accountable to mitigate unconscious bias

Read Andrew Hoedlmeister’s story, a BMS employee.

August 20, 2022     

The BMS Network of Women (B-NOW) People and Business Group in Canada established a pillar called ‘engaging men’, and it was important to the leads of this chapter that B-NOW was equally represented by men and women.

I, the colleague of a BMS woman, pledge to actively LISTEN, LEARN, and LEAD our BMS male colleagues to remove their unconscious biases toward women, through education and growth initiatives and become champions for women’s inclusion and success in all we do!

The reason for this push was to have the allies of the group develop a deeper understanding of the challenges women face both inside and outside of the workplace. It was also designed to foster an understanding of what certain microaggressions might look like or what equity can look like—knowing that there are still gaps that need to be and can be addressed in the workplace.

The leaders of the B-NOW chapter wanted to find a way to hold members accountable to continue to listen, learn, and lead through inclusive practices that continually help eliminate the barriers to equity for the women at BMS. From this need, the B-NOW Pledge was born, which states, “I, the colleague of a BMS woman, pledge to actively LISTEN, LEARN, and LEAD our BMS male colleagues to remove their unconscious biases toward women, through education and growth initiatives and become champions for women’s inclusion and success in all we do!”

Signing this pledge is one of the many ways BMS colleagues are holding themselves accountable in creating an inclusive and healthy working environment. 

For more information on PBRG B-NOW, click here.