a project manager reviews a building design plan on-site during the COVID-19 pandemic
June 17, 2021
We never left: Accounts from the essential workers at Bristol Myers Squibb 
Evolving Needs of People with Beta Thalassemia
June 03, 2021
Evolving needs of people with beta thalassemia
On the frontline in the fight against COVID-19
April 22, 2021
On the frontline in the fight against
Principal Scientist Nobel Vale uses an augmented reality headset supplied by Apprentice.io.
March 19, 2021
Augmented reality tools help keep production humming
Building a company for the future
March 08, 2021
Building a company for the future
BMS Germany colleague joins the COVID-19 fight
February 11, 2021
BMS Germany colleague joins the COVID-19 fight
R&D during COVID-19: How the pandemic spurred innovation in clinical trials
December 16, 2020
R&D during COVID-19: How the pandemic spurred innovation in clinical trials
‘Have a Chat’ Campaign Launched in the UK to Help End Loneliness during COVID-19 Pandemic
December 09, 2020
'Have a Chat' Campaign Launched in the UK to Help End Loneliness during COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 and Blood Cancer: A Conversation with Nadim Ahmed, Executive Vice President and President, Hematology
October 26, 2020
COVID-19 and Blood Cancer: A Conversation With Nadim Ahmed, Executive Vice President and President, Hematology
Global Supply Chain Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
September 30, 2020
Global Supply Chain Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
Employee’s experience on her recent virtual onboarding process
September 28, 2020
Virtual onboarding during the pandemic
Leaders from BMS and the oncology advocacy community
September 07, 2020
Partnering to improve cancer care in the age of COVID-19