Global Diversity & Inclusion Report 2020: Building a Diverse Workforce - Bristol Myers Squibb

Leadership Representation

Our commitment to diversifying the representation of our organization is a commitment that starts at the top and continues through all levels.

Board of Directors 


The following data reflects our Board composition as of December 2020. Recently announced departures will impact our 2021 UEG and gender representation. 

Leadership Team


The following data reflects our Leadership Team composition as of December 2020. Our current composition can be found here.

Charting our course to become a powerfully diverse and inclusive company is not the result of any one single initiative nor any one individual. It is instead a multi-pronged approach focused on setting aspirational and realistic representation goals, paired with accelerated leadership development, unconscious bias education and pay equity.

Our journey of change remains guided by our principle of bending the curve on representation.

Bristol Myers Squibb and the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation each committed $150 million to diversity and inclusion.

Following the murder of George Floyd, we continued our participation in many conversations about the serious challenges facing the Black/African American communities as well as the Latino/Hispanic, Asian American and other impacted communities. We spent time listening, learning and dialoguing. We recognize our continued responsibility to create the change needed to address racial inequality and health disparities in our rapidly changing communities. 

To further deepen this historical commitment to global diversity and inclusion in 2020, Bristol Myers Squibb and the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation each committed $150 million to diversity and inclusion and health equity. This includes the bold company pledge to advance leadership representation by the end of 2022 by achieving gender parity globally and doubling Black/African American and Latino/Hispanic executive representation in the U.S. 

Although we have made these sustained investments, we are not where we want to be nor where we need to be. The following data provided in this report is another step in reinforcing our commitment to diversity and inclusion. While some of the data does not reflect the aspiration we set for ourselves in building the workforce we desire, they provide a clear indicator of where we are today and show our areas for improvement. 

BMS Workforce Representation Commitments

Gender Parity

Reach parity at the executive level for women globally

Black/African American employees

Double executive representation in the U.S.

Latino/Hispanic employees

Double executive representation in the U.S.

BMS Workforce Representation Commitments

To meet these representation commitments, we remain focused on the following strategic initiatives to drive representation outcomes:

Five-Year Aspirational Representation Goals 

By leveraging analytics and external market data, we continue to set five-year aspirational goals for each business unit to increase representation of women and underrepresented ethnic groups (UEGs), where appropriate. We will achieve these goals by holding ourselves accountable through key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to critical talent levers including ensuring and tracking diversity among our candidate slates, interview panels and succession plans.  

Accelerated Leadership Development 

We’re enhancing our longstanding investments in accelerated leadership development initiatives—specifically for women globally and UEGs. These initiatives now include developing skills highly applicable to future global challenges, which are informed by the perspectives of these underserved groups. We found that participants in our signature development programs are twice as likely to be promoted as those women/UEGs not participating in the Accelerated Leadership Development program.

Leadership Capability and Unconscious Bias Education 

To fulfill the promise made with our commitments, we’ve refreshed and deepened our focus on unconscious bias workshops for our global leadership team, managers and our employees.

Pay Equity 

We believe that providing equal pay for equal work is one of several enablers of a diverse and inclusive work environment. One of our compensation practices is to use a gender-neutral market-based approach tied to roles at all levels in the organization to set starting salaries and for lateral and promotional moves.

All representation data is displayed as of year-end unless otherwise indicated.

Executive Representation

Global Executive Representation by Gender 


In 2015, Bristol Myers Squibb achieved gender parity across the entire organization and continues to see increases in the representation of women in the manager and professional categories. Upon achieving this milestone, our focus shifted to ensuring global gender parity at the executive level. We believe we are on track to achieve this goal by the end of 2022, supporting our recently announced commitment to global gender parity at the executive level.

Our Stories

Perspectives on building a diverse workforce

Building Business Performance and Equity through Supplier Diversity
Cultivating a Diverse Future Talent Pipeline 

Employee Representation

Global Management Level by Gender


As we build representation at senior levels of our organization, we will continue to focus on the advancement of our pipeline of female talent.

Accelerating Diversity Among Our Managers and Leaders

Three leaders share their experiences with leadership development programming and recruitment at Bristol Myers Squibb and how it contributed to their ability to build long-term, successful careers at the company. 

Toni Brock
Florencia Davel
Sydney Klein


We continue to take significant steps to make measurable change across our workforce. Through this report and beyond, we look forward to advancing our efforts and sharing more on our progress.

Executive Representation by Race/Ethnicity


We are proud of the continued progress in representation of Asian American executives, and recognize we also have a responsibility to increase representation of Black/African American and Latino/Hispanic executives. We hold ourselves accountable to the commitment made in 2020 to double executive representation of Black/African American and Latino/Hispanic employees in the U.S.

Management Level by Race & Ethnicity


As previously stated, we are encouraged by the progress made in the increase of Asian American representation. We also remained focused on improving the development of the talent pipeline of our Black/African American and Latino/Hispanic employees in the U.S.

Global Generational Representation

By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will consist of millennials.3

We are thoughtful about attracting, retaining and developing this next generation of leaders and feel well prepared to advance our talent pipeline as we continue to grow our business.

CLIMB (Cultivating Leadership and Innovation for Millennials and Beyond)

At the core of the mission for our CLIMB (Cultivating Leadership and Innovation for Millennials and Beyond) PBRG is the opportunity to amplify connectivity across functions, geographies, and generations. In 2018, CLIMB enhanced the purposeful connection between our multi-generational workforce to focus on learning and mentoring. The CLIMB Summer School program provides employees around the world the opportunity to participate in flexible virtual classes and learn from colleagues across the company to promote growth and development. This program includes cross-generational curriculum and was attended by 11,725 employees in 2020. 

Veterans/Disability Representation

Self-Identification: Everybody Counts

In the U.S. and Puerto Rico, employees have the opportunity to disclose their veteran status disability status and LGBTQ+ status in our HR system of record. Currently, our participation rates in those areas are not where we want them to be. As a result, at the end of 2020 we amplified our self-identification campaign, called Everybody Counts, with leader messages and a series of employee videos sharing the power of authenticity and uncovering. We will continue to create an environment where all employees feel comfortable bringing their full authentic self to work and have the confidence and trust to disclose the full spectrum of their identity. 



LGBTQ+ Representation

Self-Identification: Everybody Counts

In 2018, BMS updated its HR system of record to add a field for sexual orientation and gender identity, taking the first step in collecting this employee data. It was a natural progression of evolving our policies and systems to be more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community and ensuring that sexual orientation and gender identity are considered as critical as other dimensions of diversity. Whether it was when we added same-sex partner benefits, or pronouns to our email signatures, each step creates a more inclusive, more inviting, better performing company. We look forward to the next steps in this journey.


COLORS Training Program

The LGBTQ+ community has long been medically underserved and misunderstood. In 2020, Bristol Myers Squibb’s PRIDE Alliance and the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation sponsored a clinical trial to test the COLORS (Curriculum for Oncologists on LGBTQ+ populations to Optimize Relevance and Skills) Training Program.

The U.S. Florida-based Moffitt Cancer Center launched the first nationwide study designed to identify gaps in knowledge, attitudes and institutional practice for LGBTQ+ patients. Moffitt developed COLORS in collaboration with other organizations based on the study results. COLORS is designed to help oncologists better understand the unique challenges and medical needs facing this patient population. After the study is completed, the COLORS training will become more available for medical oncologists to continue their education. 


  1. Stephen F. Austin State University. “EEO Ethnicity and Race Categories ”
  2. Mohr, T. “Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified.” Harvard Business Review (2014)
  3. Deloitte. “Big demands and high expectations. The Deloitte Millennial Survey” (January 2014)
  4. Feder, M. “One Decade, One Million more STEM Graduates”. (December 18, 2012)
  5. National Science Board. “The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2020”. (2020)
  6. UNCF Patterson Institute special tabulations of data from the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (2018 data collection year)
  7. Association of American Medical Colleges. “Diversity in the Physician Workforce: Facts & Figures 2014”. (2014)
  8. According to Bristol Myers Squibb 2020 employee survey
  9. According to Bristol Myers Squibb 2019 employee survey
  10. According to Bristol Myers Squibb 2020 Global Diversity and Inclusion survey
  11. Verified Inclusion Partner certification developed in partnership with the NeuroLeadership Institute
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